Traditional Delights
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Product Details

Skylight Braised Amidori Abalone,425g
Skylight Abalone Sauce,425g
Oceanus Braised Abalone, 4 pieces, 160g
Bakers oven Pineapple tarts,280g
Birds Nest With White fungus and Rock Sugar,6X70ML
Premium Flower Mushroom,60g
Ginseng Gift Box,50g
Roasted Cashew Nut,80g
Dried Cordyceps Flower ,60g
Red Wine-Chateau de Beauregard SAUMUR,750ML
CNY Basket and Decoration

What our customers say:
My friend was extremely happy with the flowers and according to her they are still going strong almost a week after delivered! Thanks ever so much, I am so pleased with the result of ordering with you and will keep you in mind whenever I need to send flowers again.
with best regards,
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