Traditional Delights
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Product Details

  1. Skylight Abalone, 425g
  2. Skylight Abalone, 425g
  3. Skylight Abalone, 425g
  4. Bao Fa Abalone, 425g
  5. Bao Fa Abalone, 425g
  6. Pure Bird Nest with Rock Sugar, 3 bottles
  7. Yuxiangyan Bird's Nest with rock sugar and white fungus, 3 bottles
  8. Royalty Bird's Nest with Ginseng and rock sugar and white fungus, 6 bottles
  9. Premium Flower Mushroom,110g
  10. Ling Zhi Slice, 60g
  11. Fortune Scallop XO Sauce Original,110g
  12. Coin Bak Kwa, 100g
  13. Nonya pineapple tarts,280g
  14. Premium Gift Box and CNY Decoration

  15. XO
  16. King Arthur XO 70CL

What our customers say:
I had a fantastic hand tied Bouquet arrive yesterday 4/11/07 from my boss, i had never heard of you before but WOW what an inpact the flowers were stunning, fresh and vibrant. I have added you to my favourites so I wont lose you. Regards Jenny
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